But I saw some white people do the dumbest thing ever yesterday...(I think I'm going to attempt to stop cursing)..okay ready?
So I was at work( a pool) and I received news that the pools pump was not working, which means the kidds can't swim and neither could we. That also means day off! Wooooh! So I gather some of my co workers and one of my enternaiments..and we venture off to the rock quary.
NOW the rocky quary is a place on Oakwood U. land with...you guessed! ROCKS..but when you get past all that there's this very pretty lake with the clearest water...surrounded by big rocks in the form of cliffs. (this is where the white people come in folks)..so my friends and I are just enjoying the water looking at the fish, taking pictures..and along come at 6 white people with beers in hand all gung ho about jumping off the cliff into the water..now me being a water SAFETY instructor and a lifeguard..a good rule I would apply to this situation is LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP. And did these white people look??? The answer to that people is hell nah. One (female) proceeded to chug a beer before jumping at least 40 feet into the water (and I'll add there was no exaggeration there folks) while another (male) did a front flip...OFF THE EFFIN CLIFF. Stereotypes man...I never truely believed them until I witnessed it myself. AND they were talking about going skydiving...
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