Friday, December 19, 2008


Its amazing how much people grow up and apart. Just how can you sit around and talk about nuthin like you used to do but not to be interested in the conversation like you used to be. Time is amazing. One of those things you cant get back. What was cool 2 years ago is lame as hell now. And even things that were lame as hell 2 years ago coincidentally are still lame. Ha idk same friends, different people..or maybe same friends different me. People grow up and change. Ha maybe I'm just being anti social But then there are the people you admire who are still silly as hell but doing what they gotta do to succeed and are still social. Ha idk.

I'm starting to hate Beyonce and Sasha Fierce


Anonymous said...

I feel you bro!!! My Buttercup is growing!!!!1

And DOWN WITH BEYONCE!!!!!!!! You with me?

Reggie.BRO said...

Don't you ever speak those words about Beyonce' again (((yew too Dorian)))....she aint do nuttin to nobody....we may be divorced but I'm still in love...

Lott said...

Lmao reggie your promised!
and she's annoying.