I think im happy.
My emotions are broken.
Maya doesn't know where yonder is.
But we've explained it to her.
*sigh* im wondering why im 19 and i feel way older then some people in they're 20's!
That are seniors in college.
Do me a favor and if you have a problem with me be 21 about yours and come to me.
BUT WAIT when i come to YOU tryna resolve shit try not run off at the mouth to my friends.
Sooo when its over its over!!
Is you straight bruh!!??
I should be practicing...
But im making money!!
I miss speaking in an English accent with Frankie...
Come home!!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Posted by Lott at 12:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: Random...
Friday, September 26, 2008
Ass 1, Ass 2, Ass 3
I love my friends.
You can't replace mine.
Sometimes they go away to Atlanta with their male companions who calls each one of her friends when she doesn't answer the phone.
And other times they go to class...and it makes me sad.
But then we have late nights and early mornings.
Almost getting caught on the wrong floor and forming bands.
Praising God and eating noodles.
Cracker Mush and sleeping upside down.
Making up songs that don't have a particular beat, key or theme but always end in laughter
Taking 30 pictures to get only 1 that has all of us in them..
Boot leg face?
Yeah we have 3 singles.
Separately we're amazing.
But together...maan we're effin amazing.
Don't judge us cuz we might hurt your feelings with our awesomeness.
Is you straight bro?
Hell yeah I'm straight.
Toe puppets?
No really its new.
Dori has a temper every now and then.
Maya cries when pillows fall on the floor.
And Frankie hasn't been doing anything productive for about an hour.
"I can't even fit so that means you guys don't love me."
"Im gonna give myself another concussion!"
"Lets play peek a boo with Marvin"
17 magazines is only annoying when Maya reads it aloud.
Its too hot for this shit. But Frankie is finally on the bed..wait she's having trouble..
Okay now she's...wait...okay its not working...WAIT SHE GOT IT!!!
Zzzzzz I'm bout to vibrate on these ho's!
That single number 4 ho's
Picture my head...on wheels.
You raping my feet!!!
Ice box where my feet use to be!
Okay that's 5!!
Pause! i just looked to my right and Dorian's FOOT was in my face.
No bueno.
♥ Ladies!
Coach Roxx
PS she has Cankles!!!!
Posted by Lott at 3:35 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
The story is Alice Walker and the link for this story is the very 1st blog posted.
I heart you!!!!!!
Posted by Lott at 9:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: Homework and love
Sunday, September 21, 2008
I just realized!!
Today was a day. A loonnnggg day.
Posted by Lott at 3:47 AM 0 comments
Labels: Long saturday's, realizations, weddings
Friday, September 19, 2008
Its over bish!
Yesterday was a efffin awesome day..no classes because of convocation.
It was long as hell (no pun) but it was better then going classes.
And Lloydy gave us a ride! Yeah he's my favorite.
KFC wasn't as effine awesome.
Me and Front clearly had some tension between each other soooo of course we were snapping on each other. BUT I must say that Frankfurt might just be the bigger person out of the two of us because i was about to say forget it...(i know bad..but don't judge) i heart that kidd just cuz she's my front...yayy!!
Ma-ma-ma-maya! Is dumb but she is def the best roommate ever... (ow ow) hahahahah
I'm pretty sure that i can rely on her for anything and everything and then some after that but i think only if i keep making her bed.
I'm pretty sure that this is gonna end up as This That and the Other sooo bare with me folks.
I'm looking for closure and i found some ha!
yeah lets call that closure.
I soooo excited about my career!
I def got a taste of it the other day. Studio recording is makes my heart happy.
And getting paid for it makes it glow.
AND travel to play weddings (like my daddy does) well that's effin amazing.
Yayyy I'm really excited if you didn't notice..
That little statement everything happens for a reason?
Yeah its true i woulda been HELLA distracted but now I'm all focused.
So thank you kidd. You might know whats best...you might not but thanks anyway.
Yeah i think it is..but I'm actually okay with it. Did i learn anything?????
Yeah i learned some stuff..can i apply it??? Yeah kidd.
I think my entertainment has a some potential..Coach is back.
And another thing...i heart you DORI T!!!!!!!

Posted by Lott at 9:24 AM 1 comments
Sunday, September 14, 2008
I understand...
I just wanna have my fun....
I understand....but
Im not good at fixing feelings right now...
I understand...
Posted by Lott at 10:18 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 12, 2008
For you kidd!
She's the only person i knows that does everything she says she does.
For example. "I google everything!" And when she said that i was like yeah....me too.
But no nigga! She REALLY googles everything...IN REAL LIFE!! Got a question?
Or having a conversation in Spanish through text? She'll google it too.
I love the fact that she understands how much i rock!
And since i rock she rolls.
Im Mary Janes so of course she's Lois Lane!
I've had my share of good friends but this one is the best!
We both have go by that saying "Things happen for a reason."And clearly she's here in my life for a reason!
It seems like we got so cool in like 10 minutes. Everytime we would share a 100 message conversation we would get closer with every super hero reference.
And even now! When we're goin through some hard times with our male companions. She's ALWAYS been there to give me a shoulder to cry on.....and i've always been there to put make up on here shirt.
Sounds like a fair trade huh? haha...
Awww Waldo is dead...moment of silence...
In real life i don't have time to be laughing at you all day.
And everytime she says im taking new applications for friends i laugh..maybe because these random comments about new friends are popesterious. Because who else do you know can can rip an old school rap (with me as the hype man) and still have on some fresh as chucks or Supras?? Nobody nigga!! She's specaial
"Please submit all questions in writing!!"
"Why they asses still dancing??"
"Im J-j-j-jealous!:
"I just want you to know that once you finish this blog our friend ship will be over"
"Im stuck...im stuck in my power cord!"
"Fake Bro"
"because of this FUCKERY our friendship is over!
"yeah i through your fuckery our the window."
That's my bestest!! And she excepts me for all my pointless interjecttions, my mindless rants about band kidds, and my aimless wandering through the music building.
Hearts too you kidd!
Posted by Lott at 11:04 AM 1 comments
Hey there!!
This That and the Other.
I'm really mad that when the band isn't here all my music classes stop.
I mean why can't the PAC go on without the millions of band kidds wandering around aimlessly. I still wanna learn!!
Why is it that once again i have you on the brain. Geez!! Get out of my head!!
I'm seriously considering becoming a one women show.
I have a wedding in Chicago...bad thing is i don't know when we're leaving or what music I'm play.
Its this random song that the groom wrote. And its a beautiful song but i haven't heard the words!! So how the HELL am i supposed to ad lib on a song that i don't know where the words go!!!
I heart Maya and Frankie. Good friends are the ones that will make you eat even if you don't want to. "You gonna eat these nuggets ho!"
Love you guys.
I went off on a tangent the other day. Eff band kidds and i don't support the band kidds were some of the things that came out of my mouth..sorry band kidds! I still heart Lloydy and my sisters though...and pop ups..that irritates the hell out of me. It makes me feel like my presence comes second to them. But of course I've been coming in last lately anyway so why should i complain about 2nd.
Maya can't blow her nose...haha
And she has on red Chucks!!...effin awesome dude.
Dori T!!!!
Posted by Lott at 9:31 AM 1 comments
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Let me introduce myself..
Posted by Lott at 5:16 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Another one of these...
This that and the other..
Im mad that the first thing that comes to mind when i write these is you..
Im not really mad im happy to think about you every now and then.
My room mate has this new obsession with my gutair tutor..lol
I miss frankie...
Choir upset me today.. Ms Poe really needs to understand that she is NOT Proff Mac.
I saw my favorite today!! Which slick made my day.
I have a new friend but I'm not sure if I'm gonna keep conversing with him.
I'm slick tired of being out of my element.
I need some SAI shirts..
Hott sex burnin candles!!!
I think that watching Pocahontas's while my germy roommate naps is what keeps me smiling.
My day was really good now that i look back on it. I looked cute Maya chose to wear the same color as me again(haha twin) i saw Lloydy twice!! And my favorite twice!! I think I'm easily pleased which makes me even happier...
I should be doing some research but I'm not..i have a meeting with my study group..
All bad...
I heart Maya and Front's blogs they made my life happy.
I want some SUSHI!!!!!!!!
Posted by Lott at 6:04 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
This that and the Other...
Its when i just go with random thoughts that pop into my head.
Soo here goes...
I like you way to much...its clouding my mind and i worry about what the future holds when i know shouldn't.
I had Sun Chips today and a roast beef sandwich but i don't like Roast beef.
Maya is talking to me and i heart her.
I hate how randomly you pop up in my head for no real reason..
I've had a couple of offers lately but i don't feel compelled to respond to them. Is that rude?
I get irritated when guys assume that me and them are talking when clearly i don't give them enough of my time for them to even consider such a thing.
Oooh baby i like it raw!!!
I miss my sister..
I made a new friend and he's a friend of my great friend and he's starting to grow on me.
Some random ass guy told me he wanted to give me the business yesterday..yuck.
I heart band kidds. ♥ and i heart calling the band kidds "band kidds" even if they don't like it.
I get slightly depressed when it rains and i tend to wear black.
I think that if i hadn't met Maya then my life wouldn't be complete!
And if i hadn't joined SAI my love, my life and the loves of my live wouldn't be like they are and WHO they are now.
Go Frank Frank that's my Frank Frank!
Okay sooo this is getting long....
But i think my point has been made..
Thanks Dori T. and Mizz Maya
Posted by Lott at 8:10 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 8, 2008
Need you bad as the air i breath...♥
Lott Roxx♥
Posted by Lott at 11:57 PM 1 comments
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Sealed with a kiss.
Sooo yeah the other day i was over my good friends house just kickin it! And we started messing with each other. You know what i mean like "are you ticklish".."no"..."yeah you are!" yeah you know what i mean. Its all very harmless. Of course it was we're just friends! Who has the intentions of anything happening with one of your friends?? Not me! But then the unexpected happened..well it was kinda expected and happily welcomed..but it was slick awkward. You see me and this friend have history and when i say history i mean HISTORY with a timeline and cycles goin all through it! So when i he said "Landria are you ticklish?" in reality he knows I'm not! (haha i def am. )But why not mess with me?..why wouldn't i mess with him back. All harmless fun really...and in real life i had gone over there with my new mind set of friendship burned into my brain....but when he kissed me my old mind set crept slowly back in the front of my vision. Blinding me to the point of which i saw nothing else. And me being the type to keep my emotions very obvious he might have known before i told him...or maybe before he even kissed me. So the word awkward and weird weren't far from either of our lips..after they left each others. And even though all i really wanted to do was kiss him again i knew that in real life..what ever happens happens..going with the flow is whats gonna make it work...and if not our relationship was sealed with that last kiss.
Posted by Lott at 7:56 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 4, 2008
That thing called love...
Posted by Lott at 11:22 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Who's gonna save your soul.
Who’s Gonna Save My Soul
Got some bad news this morning
Which en turn made my day
When this someone spoke I listened
All of a sudden has less and less to say
Oooo how could this be
All this time I’ve lived vicariously
Who’s gonna save my soul now
Who’s gonna save my soul now
How will my story ever be told now
How will my story be told now
Made me feel like somebody …huh
Like somebody else
Although he was imitated often
It felt like I was being myself
Is it a shame that someone else’s song
Was totally and completely depended on
Who’s gonna save my soul now
Who’s gonna save my soul now
I wonder if I’ll live grow old now
Getting high cause I feel so low down
And maybe it’s a little selfish
All I have is the memory
Yet I never stopped to wonder
Was it possible you hurtin’ worse than me
Still my hunger turns to greed
Cause what about what I need
And Ooooo
Who’s gonna save my soul now
Whooooo’s gon save my soul now
Oooo I know I’m out of control now hoohooo
Tired enough to lay my own soul down
I was recently introduced to this song. Its about a break up. Not just ANY break up. The break up that breaks the person being broken up with. Break ups like this...is like being cut in the chest with a butter knife, ripping it out with your OWN hands and serving it fresh on a plate (as depicted on the video). I personally know what this feels like. First loves and and first love break ups are always hard but this song and this video completely illustrated what i felt and what i still feel now. In real life...I was hurt. I still am. New relationships have risen and have not so much failed but come to a stand still. They haven't been able to grow and breath only because of my desire to be in a fresh relationship. A clean slate if you will. But do i count that as time wasted? Nah. Just time shared. And time i still plan on sharing. At the end of this video, after the heart grew a mouth and started singing it took a knife and stabbed itself. Again this feeling is all to familiar. Giving your heart to a person and being used for ulterior motives or trying to move on but that person draws you back in with something like a simple text. And while you know that you shouldn't go back, there's always that thought of that first love. That first time love. You know the kind that seems like it'll never end? But when it does its like that heart on a plate. Those words "Who's gonna save your soul?"...who's is gonna save mine? From being torn and tattered again. And who's gonna allow me to do the same for them. To treat them with the same respect and give them the same honesty i, myself have always want to be treated with. Who knows really....who's gonna save your soul....
Posted by Lott at 9:21 PM 0 comments

Posted by Lott at 6:24 PM 0 comments